Mindful Eating: Nourishing Mental Wellness through Nutrition (webinar)

May 2024 Business Bite
Event Date:
Noon Central
Location Address -
Online via Zoom

Mental health and nutrition are two important topics that are gaining more attention these days. However, they are not often discussed together. We invite you to a free webinar where we will explore the relationship between nutrition and mental health. 

Sarah Tee, MPH, RD, LRD, and owner of Inspire Nutrition, will be joining us for a Q&A-style conversation. She will talk about the different nutritional elements and how they impact not just our physical health, but also our mental health.

Participants will:

  1. Identify how stress impacts what, when, and how much they eat.

  2. Learn how nutrition plays a role in how they feel mentally.

  3. Gain a better understanding of nutritional elements such as macronutrients, vitamins & minerals, and the relationship between our gut and brain.

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